Thursday, February 13, 2014

What Age Is An Appropriate Cell Phone Age?

The demands of kids are getting more and more difficult to keep up with. Once upon a time the biggest thing on a twelve year-old's wish list was a new bicycle. Now kids want cell phones at younger and younger ages. How old is old enough to purchase the ever desired cell phone? How young is too young?

Cell phone shopping for younger children can be very difficult. Depending on the age of the child it is possible they have not developed enough self restraint to handle a cell phone. School work may suffer as may other social relationships.

Cell phones now come with internet access, which can present dangers unknown to your child. Easily downloadable information may not be age appropriate. Cell phones also offer children's private communication abilities through text messaging.

It is not necessary to activate all of the possible features that come with a cell phone, but understanding your own child's limitations can help you know what is truly appropriate for them at their age. Private texting can lead to highly inappropriate conversations. Unlike instant messaging or phone conversations, texts can be deleted permanently and a parent has no recourse to determine whether a child is having innocent conversations with their friends or are being enticed into dangerous and self destructive behaviors.

They now have cell phones more appropriately geared toward young children. These phones come with a parental control feature that allow access to preset phone numbers such as reaching mom at work, 911 access, and several preset phone numbers of the parents' choice, The cell phone requires a pass code to access any changes to the phone's capabilities to prevent the child from listing their own phone numbers in their cell phone.

The appropriate age for taking a child cell phone shopping is truly up to the parent. If a parent thinks that a cell phone has beneficial uses for their child and can handle the limitations imposed as well as basic honesty, then cell phones can be excellent lessons in responsibility. Cell phones can help teach self imposed limitations as well as enhance parental communications. A parent can reach their child at all times to inform them of changes or request their presence at home.

Cell phones can be vital in an emergency. While nobody ever expects an emergency to occur, in the event of one your child and you can remain in communication if they have a cell phone. Sometimes it can be the safest form of communication in an emergency situation. Children who have cell phones can almost always reach their parents.

Features Required In A Cell Phone

How To View Features In A Cell Phone

The mobile phone market is growing rapidly. New brands of cell phone and new accessories keep entering the market frequently. People have to contend with the wide range of choices available to them, which makes the task of selection of the right cell phone or the right accessory extremely difficult.

The most popular cell phone manufacturers are Nokia, LG, Siemens, Sony Ericcson and few others. The quality of cell phone manufactured by these companies is extremely good. These brands compete with each other in terms of features in their cell phones, bargain offers and also the prices. People with a moderate knowledge about cell phones can distinguish between the good and bad models, and discrepancies in each model. However, there is no way in which a person with no knowledge of cell phones can accomplish the above task.

The time when cell phones were used just for the purpose of communicating is long gone. Cell phones today come with a number of additional features like multimedia support and connect with other devices like computers. This makes them capable of being used as multipurpose devices. However, people should not let the cell phone manufacturers lure them by installing additional and unnecessary features into the cell phones. For most people, cost is the main factor and hence they need to do the proper research to make out the best cell phone model for them.

There are a large number of features available in the cell phones today, which the person may not be even aware of. Some of these accessories are music players, Blue tooth and USB ports, GPRS, EDGE and WAP. There are actually two types of people we can find. One type who is aware of these features, but have no use for them. Second type who has no knowledge of these features at all.

Before buying a cell phone, each person must try to analyze various functions for which he will be using his cell phone. Each person must buy a cell phone and buy only the required accessories that help him to run all the required applications on his cell phone. For instance, an executive who is on the move regularly will need a quad-band phone. Students can buy cell phones at moderate expense and looking sleek and stylish. People who use cell phones only for communication can be cheap phones available at discounts. The choice of phone being purchased should be done properly.

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